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Thursday, November 29, 2007


Using 'neo cells" Dr. Azuma is 'trying' to create living cells, to regenerate
limbs etcetera that can be used to repair injured soldiers, or so he says. In a Frankenstein-ish accident the limbs of the dead copses combine and re-attach and create an 'undead-monsters' race "Neo-Sapiens" who then decide to eliminate the humans. Without going into the subplots, this Japanese movie has familiar sci-fi/horror themes to many American movies; but maintains a uniquely Japanese feel to it. Yes, the effects are gorgeous; CG that is simple cool, and it has a strong element of anime interfused. It jumps between various styles of animation and live action. A few of the shots seem almost unfinished but I’m sure it is a stylist choice. The live action fight scenes start as you would expect in 'kung fu' movie. After we meet the 'superhero' there are some fights that remind me very much of The Matrix and even to the extent of their Faith in Casshern, the one! =). I would not call the anime portion the *best* anime I have seen come out of Japan. The Martial Arts is not the best I have seen either. However, together the movie as a hole works well as a hybrid style. Artistically the movie is excellent. The use of color and light is magnificent. The sound track is invigorating as well. This movie has a lot going for it. With many different elements that combined, create a unique hybrid genre film. The themes are deep; dealing with subjects like the meaning of life and humanity (and it’s flaws) selfishness, hatred, and rage then moves to contemplate destiny and ultimately love. It asks questions like; who is the real terrorist? There is a huge portion of spirituality doused throughout this movie as well. My one problem with it is that there is too much to keep up with. There is the spirit world, the real world, the dream world, the present time, and the past time, and all the flashes and clips from each are tightly tangled. All that, combined with a visual switch between realistic CG, anime, and some cartoon-like animation, and then switching back to live action it becomes a lot handle. Then add in reading subtitles and the movie feels sporadic and at point rather awkward. The plot suffered some from all the jumping around. Additionally, there are a few discrepancies, like the future Tetsuya standing in the picture during a flashback. Again, I am certain it was not by accident, but all these elements become distracting. There are subtitles to read but I would have liked to see a subtitle option on the DVD that would have made the subtitle easier to read. The movie is very hard to follow if you miss anything and I did not find these particularly easy to read, they look more like the TV's CC than real subtitles. All that said, I still think this is a must see. There was undoubtedly more potential here than the movie lived up too, but it is still very worth the time to view it. Hope this is helpful!

Friday, November 16, 2007


Grand and EPIC do not even begin to do justice to the masterpiece that is Beowulf!!! Magnificent! This movie has it ALL! It is a poignant touching cautionary tale that will lie on your soul. The script is perfectly adapted and keeps a fast pace. Beginning to end this experience is a THRILL ride of event and twists. The CGI is so amazingly real it is awe-inspiring. Most of the time you forget that it is even CG. If anything it was *more* real than live action, in that the monsters and humans were perfectly integrated and so you never notice any special effects. It provides a continuity the film would not have had in live action. I have seen many realistic CGI films but this is an entirely new level. The hardest part is eyes. Anthony Hopkins has a way of expressing with his eyes like few actors do. Certainly, I expected, that would be lost in the CG. It was not. The pores on the skin, the sweet, the facial and body hairs, the control overt lighting and shadows was spectacular. Even though much of the lighting was candles that flicker the lighting was believable and realistic. Nothing less than astonishing! I would forget it was CG until things like Grendel the monster with no skin would show up all bloody a dripping mucus and puss. Then I was thankful I never encountered such a foul being in real life. Did I mention, don't take the children. I even had the opportunity to see the 3D version. The realism of a man getting impaled by the chandelier and the blood flying right at your face in 3D makes it even more graphic. On the other hand, the realism of Angelina Jolie’s breasts popping out of the scene in 3D on several occasions was ... well, breathtaking. She was however, more than just eye candy, she voiced the role spectacularly. All the voice talent was phenomenal Ray Winstone reminds me of Russell Crowe’s performance in Gladiator. This is much better yet in my opinion. At one point King Hrothgar says “The Gods will not do for us what we do not do for our selves. What we need now is a HERO.” It takes a super hero of super heroes to be a Danish Viking Legend and the voice and the character of Beowulf (Ray Winstone) work together, pulling of shear authenticity in an unbelievable fictional character. How do you compliment the acting when it is CG, well I must because Hopkins is still a master. I ramble on… so I will not get into the story now, but you will be touched by the innocence of a grotesque monster in pain, stunned by the beauty of the monsters mother, appalled at the state of man who becomes monstrous, moved by the heart and courage a man who chooses to right the wrong he did, and most importantly you will be WOWED by the movie Beowulf! This is a thrill ride. Add it to your queue now. You will want to see it. I hope this is helpful!

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